9 October 2024
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi
Asia/Jakarta timezone


Dear Colleagues,

As the biggest university in Jambi province, Indonesia, Jambi University has played an important role as a key-player in both human and natural resources development in Jambi province. We have successfully developed cooperation in all sectors of development in Jambi province, Indonesia. We have contributed in the variety of activities such as research, community services, consultancies, training services and provided some experts to speed up the development of Jambi Province and Indonesia in general. Today, Jambi University consistently seeks innovative methods to take part more actively on an inter-discipline study for sharing research relating to green development in all area of knowledge, science and expertise.

In doing so, the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Universitas Jambi hosted the 5th Green Development International Conference in 2024 which was carried out once in two years. This Conference is aimed to provide insightful information in relation to the development a number of innovations in science and technology that are environmentally friendly covering the fields of technology, environment, agriculture, energy, health, Law, education and humanities.

In detail, the purposes of holding this international conference are:
1. To unite ideas and thoughts that will be the basis for a plan for solutions to the advancement of environmentally friendly science and technology.
2. To enable lecturers, presenters, researchers, participants and all parties involved to meet and exchange their ideas.
3. To disseminate the results of research by researchers and lecturers from various regions and countries on how to implement green development to support and respond to the recent situations
4. To develop the capacity of researchers, the academic community and the in mastering innovation to implement sustainable green development.
5. To increase the capacity of researchers and academicians in writing and publishing
research articles in accredited international and national journals indexed in leading external databases such as Scopus and Web of Science.

The theme that we chose for this 2024 conference was "Directng Digital World towards Sustainable Development Goals through Connectivism". This theme was chosen to emphasize how connectivity among people is influenced, and can be strengthened, by a number of interrelated factors that, together, form a learning configuration. Connectivism involves a concept that refers to the need for the integraton of principles explored by chaos, network, complexity, and self-organization theories, reflecting the social learning required in order to direct oneself towards sustainability.

The conference is expected to contain studies from (but not limited to) nine different sub themes, namely:
Inclusive, equitable and digital-based quality education
2. Sustainable agriculture to support biodiversity conservation
3. Build opportunities with inclusive and sustainable economics and businesses
4. Promote the Rule of Law and ensure equal access to justice
5. Integrating Animal Husbandry research to halt biodiversity loss
6. Collaborative Science and Technology research to combat climate change and its
7. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
8. Build Curiosity through Global Partnership in postgraduate Research
9. Collaborative approach to protect Worlds Cultural and Natural Heritage

The nine different sub themes are expected to strongly anchor the idea of the both researchers and educators to help develop a number of innovations in science and technology that are environmentally friendly comprising the fields of technology, environment, agriculture, energy, health, Law, educaton and humanities.

"Directing Digital World towards Sustainable Development Goals through Connectivism".

Scholars, Lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students are welcome to participate in the conference.


The conference will be held on Wednesday, October 9th 2024 at 8 AM WIB in Swiss-BelHotel Jambi, Indonesia. Zoom meeting will be provided for those who will be joining the conference virtually.

GDIC Secretariat

LPPM UNJA Mendalo 1st Floor 
Monday-Friday (08.00-12.00 WIB)